An Italian and Middle Eastern Inspired Life!

An Italian and Middle Eastern Inspired Life!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Grazie a St. John and That Time I Drank That Thingy 'Cause Everyone Else was Doing it!

I have to say thank you tonight to Saint John the Baptist and the Italian's devotion to him.  They had a lovely celebration in his honor throughout the day (June 24th), culminating in an unbelievable fireworks show.  All around, Alex and I had an amazing day.  I was finally feeling better from the crud and feeling human.  I was starting to think all I was going to want to do here is sleep.

I actually began the day by sleeping in a bit and taking the time to do all the things girls do in the morning, like shower and blow-dry their hair.  I went to the shop and we were lucky to have two wonderful visitors:  Abramo, Alex' boss, brought his daughters in for the day.  Tamara is 22 and amazingly brilliant and Yara is 3.  Her eyes are the most gorgeous eyes you have ever seen and we had a very nice day.  Oh, and I am aware being jealous of a 3 year-olds hair is shallow, but, there you have it.  Call me Shallow M.  Abramo took us all to lunch (Risotto al Funghi if you care) and Yara definitely warmed up to me.  By the time we left for the day, she was actually talking to me and not just staring blankly when I asked her questions.  She even posed for some photos.  Alex and I took her out for a soda and everyone thought she was ours...not that far fetched, as I would imagine our child would look like Yara. We shall see, we keep saying to everyone...we shall see.

Growing tired of sitting in the shop, I decided to head out for a jaunt.  Did a little shopping, finding the perfect gift for Stella.  Being around Yara made me miss her and the twins so much.  As I walked, and in the few days leading up to it, I kept seeing people sitting at sidewalk cafes, drinking something orange that looked very refreshing. I suppose having spent so much time here, I should have known what it was, or at least noticed it before.  So, I couldn't hold my curiosity andy longer and I decided to splurge and have a seat outside Rivoire in Piazza Signoria, overlooking Pallazzo Vecchio.  Yes, I am aware I could have ordered the same beverage at half the price elsewhere, but elsewhere wouldn't have given me pistachios, ham and cheese croissant bites and olives, so there.  Luckily, some people were having the drink I had been seeing, so I asked the server,  He said it was an Aperol Spritz.  Now, in my old age, I have learned to stay away from things called Schnapps, Jagermeister, Pucker and...let's be honest, Aperol?  It sounds like a bad idea.  But I did it and it was delicious.  After some research, I learned that an Aperol Spritz is very similar to a Campari Soda, but instead a soda, they use Prosecco (sweet bubbly wine).  Don't get too excited.  Aperol has about half the alcohol content of Campari, so different mixers, same kind of party - ish ;)  It is sweet, with a tiny bitterness to it.  The garnish, I have not figured out quite yet.  And orange slice, which makes sense, and one green olive......And can I just say, "Go home're drunk."  Laugh if you get it.

Finally it was nap time...I mean, let's be real here.  Alex arrived home form work around 8:30 and off we went to a wonderful dinner at Gato e la Volpe, a casual favorite.  Like, oh my gawd, the people next to us were, like, so oh my gawd.  It was a little laugh.  There was another table who kept looking to us for we all were on the same team and this group was killing the mood all around.  But I remembered back to my time here as a student and what my perspective on life was like then.  I am sure I was in a very different place than I am now and we all grow and change.  It certainly didn't stop us from enjoying our pasta and mozzarella!

Finally, as we were finishing up, we could here the fireworks begin.  I, of course, got all antsy and upset we would miss them, but Alex assured us all they would last.  We busted a move the the river and were able to find a tight squeeze to see the glory.  They were setting them off from Piazalle Michelangelo, allowing a view of San Miniato al Monte and one of the best fireworks displays I have ever seen.

We ended our wonderful day with a trip to our favorite gelateria, Gelateria dei Neri where Italian Buck Rainey works.  He's this guy, who is Italian, but looks like my friend Buck!  It is crazy.  Same voice too.  He's worked there for at least 10 years.  I had Cookies and Cream and Alex had always.  The highlight of the night was seeing young Tommy Chong!

Hope you are all doing well.  Missing home, but loving my time with Alex.  Ci vediamo!


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