Well, my friends, we are getting down to the wire. I will probably try to send a last update on Sat. or Sun., but this will probably be the last email with pics. Enjoy them.
I have had a great few days. I FINALLY climbed the dome at sunset on Tuesday, only to find there was a big fire near Florence that caused a ton of smoke, so no orange sun was visible. I later I found out they were burning to kill the mosquitoes. Aren't mosquitoes supposed to die when it gets cold? I swear, I cannot wait to get away from them. I did get some great sunset pics the day before, however. I was getting frustrated because the pics did not have same color I saw when looking at the sky and the buildings. Then I realized that my sunglasses are tinted a yellowish brown. Duh. It is nice looking at the world through rose colored glasses.
I also went to the Museo del Duomo. This is the museum that houses a lot of the original stonework, art, and such that originally hung in Santa Maria Del Fiore, the Duomo. It really is an amazing museum. It also holds Donatello's Mary Magdelene, which is a favorite of my friend, Rose. Mrs. Metivier, I hope you enjoy the pic I threw in for you!
Yesterday was really the best day, perhaps on this whole trip. I decided to go up to the Cinque Terre for the day. The Cinque Terre is now a National Park that consists of 5 tiny towns balnced on the Northern Italian Coast. Each town is connected by train, or hiking paths that go along the mountains that run between each town. I started at the most northern city, Monterosso. I made really good time and as it was off season, there was not much happening, nor sun to enjoy on the beach. Even though I had not planned it, I decided to hike to Vernazza. I am not sure how far it is miles, maybe 3 or 4 miles, but let me tell you, there are some stairs! I was not wearing the proper attire at all. It was rainy, but humid and pretty warm. I had on a tshirt, jeans and my stylish down jacket with a fur collar. I made it though and got some amazing pictures, as well as inspiration on my journey. Only in Italy can you buy a bottle of homemade booze (limoncello) from an old guy named Giuseppe on the middle of a mountain hiking path and feel alright about drinking it. I know I said I hate limoncello, but it was hard to say no to this guy. Plus, throughout the day I sipped a little. Somehow it was all gone by the time I got ack to Florence. Sorry, Kay, your warning came too late! I definitely did not feel so hot last night when I went to bed at 8:30.
In one moment, things can happen to you to change everything. Our moods are dancing a fine line between bad and good on a daily basis. While it may only take a moment to fall into the bad or nervous moods, sometimes all it takes is a day to put it right. In one day you can find yourself again, your faith in something bigger can be renewed, and you can discover a whole other resource for motivation. yesterday was one of those days for me. I enjoyed nature, saw the ocean, met a great couple from Minnesota, and had a steaming bowl of Trofie al Pesto, just for my mom. It was a magical day. The pics will give you an idea of how beautiful the Cinque Terre is. It is my favorite place in the world aside from jackson Lake. When I die, I want part of me to be there forever.
The ride home was very peaceful as I realized I was exhausted. We passed a mountain that looked like it was covered in snow, but it was actually a marble quarry. Imagine: that very mountain is where Michaelangelo, Donatello, Leonardo Da VInci, and many others got their marble for their sculptures. Today it is still being mined for artists to transform. After that I fell into a lovely sleep on the smooth train ride. I had gotten up at 6:30am to head out and the hike did me in. I came home, packed a little, and fell into my bed.
The next few days will be full of stress as I pack. Florence definitely understands that people come here to shop, making it easy to find cheap luggage to buy on the street. I had to do it. I bought a big red rolling bag for 10Euro that will hold all the stuff I bought (funny, I really did not feel like I shopped thhat much!). Coming to Florence close to xmas is a bad idea!
I hope you are all well and enjoy these last pics. I miss you all.
Picture From the Cinque Terre

Museo Del'Opera Del Duoma: Mary Magdalene and Michaelangelo's Unfinished Pieta

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