In honor of Alex's love of Potatoes, she made the best twice baked potatoes I have ever had. She accompanied these with creamed onions, steamed artichokes (Gianni says it it impossible to eat steamed artichokes..."You simply cannot do it!"), and the most beautiful veal chops ever, prepared alla Gianni. Last night we actually ate at Gianni's and I was raving about Janeille's meal. Then mom, my mom, queen of the kitchen, had to listen to his 5 minute lecture about how you do not steam or boil artichokes...period. We about died laughing inside ourselves.
As we all sat around the table, enjoying a fabulous dinner, it dawned on me that it was the last meal we would be eating, all together for a long time. It made me utterly sad to think we will be leaving our newest family member behind in Italy for a time, but I was also glad because we were all together and very happy. I cannot wait for that to happen again.
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