After that I went home for some, you guessed it, pasta and then headed out on a lovely, leisurly walk across the river. I had planned on going to the Brancacci chapels, but it was kaputz once I got there. I keep forgetting to make appointments at all of these places. Anyhow, it was a great walk because I happened upon a poster advertizing a performance of the opera, La Boheme. I have always wanted to see it and was bummed that the opera house here will not be showing it until January. However, there is a tiny, English church here that has a series of abridged concerts throughout the year. Well, the nice thing about not having anyone around is that I never have plans, so it was easy to call up and reserve a spot at the last minute. You guys, it was amazing. This concert is exactly why I want to do things like travel to Florence. This church was a mini mini cathedral, so it was old and very beautiful. They did the opera in 4 parts and only had the characters Rodolfo, Mimi, Musetta, and Marcello. These singers were unbeleivable, as were the acoustics. Imagine sitting in a pew with an opera singer belting full force while he stands two feet from you. By the way, Robby Bringolf has a twin: an opera singer from Denmark. Who knew? Really, it was such a memorable night and I feel so lucky to have come across it when I did. Last night was the last show.
Today I went to Pisa to see the leaning tower and the other members of the Field of Miracles. The Field of Miracles includes the tower, the duomo, the bapistry, and the cemetery. It is an amazing spot because all of the important aspects of an Italian life in Pisa happened right here: birth, marriage, death. And.... I did climb the tower. It was worth it. Someone took a great pic of me up there and it was so beautiful and breezy. It was crazy to climb. The stairs spiral up and around the tower, so as you climb you are waxing and waning against a force to avoid hitting the outer wall or the inner wall. Mom, I am not sure you would have made it. I felt a little dizzy going up and then once you are up on the open top, it is a little funky. Walking up was tough as I tried my best not to focus on the girls butt crack that was sticking out infront of me. I swear, low rise is not always a good idea. As I descended, the only thing that bothered me was how in the hell I had managed to get behind the same girl, allowing me a view directly down into the abyss.
Really, everywhere I look there are grossish things going on. Just yesterday I observed two old Italian men walking and talking gesticulatively like any Italian would. I thought, 'Oh, how cute!" Until one of them ripped the biggest fart I have ever heard... at least in public. To add injury to insult, as I walked to my home yesterday afternoon, I saw a boyfriend stop his girlfriend in the middle of the side walk, examine her face, and then proceed to pop what I guess was a white head on her cheek. This matched nicely with the girl who sat next to me on the train, also grooming the mini vesuvi on her face.
Like I should really talk. For the past week I have been trying to figure out where all these damn bites are coming from. As many of you know, Italy has its share of wierd bed bugs and lice. EEEWWWW! Luckily, I have finally figured out that I am daily being fed upon by mosquitos. At home, the things don't even touch me. Here, I am breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Now tell me: who here has ever had a mosquito bite on their palm? Yeah, well I have two. I have turned into an itch fest and can only imagine what foreign diseases the monsters are pumping into my body as they steal my blood. Aparently mosquitos are really bad here in the fall. However, i will take mosquitos over lce, bed bugs, and silverfish any day. Icky!!!
I have included in the many pics a pic of a wine door. A lot of the old houses and palazzi have these little doors along the wall on the street where in the old old days, wine merchants would leave the weekly , monthly, whatever, supply of wine. I also discovered, as I walked to the train station early, that morning is the greatest time to be out in Florence. A lot of places are not open and there are no too many tourists. It makes it easier to get pics without a ton of people in them, and the sun shiing on the buildings is beautiful. i cannot wait for bigger puddles!
Well, I guess that is all the news I have. I met a very nice Canadian at the concert last night and he told me there is a free concert at the same church tonight, but I am not sure what. So, we may meet up there. Honestly, I am exhausted and have so much laundry to do. Might I add it all has to dry the old fashion way.. with no dryer. Cool man.
I hope you are all doing well and enjoy the pics. Lots of love!
Tanti Bacci!

Duomo: Santa Maria Del Fiore in Firenze

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