As you know, I decided to head to Siena for two nights, allowing myself to take a bus to Pienza and Montepulciano on Friday. Things just did not start out right to begin with. I awoke Thursday morning with a tight chest and scratchy throat. I figured it was just a little irritation due to the smog in Florence. So, I had a leisulry morning, as I did not feel well and packed my stuff. I left on a bus to Siena around 11. I was about 3/4 of the way there when I realized I forgot cash, my ATM card, and my passport, which is needed to check into any hotel in Europe. DUH! Well, let me say this: Thank God for parents, credit cards, fax machines, and Western Union. My parents were able to fax the copy of my passport that I left with them (THANK GOD I DID THAT) and then mom and I decided she could wire me some money.
By the time this was done, I was too tired to walk all the way to Western Union for the money, so decided to do it in the morning on my way to my day trip. Friday morning, I awake. Now I know this is no irritation. I have a cough and a sore throat and feel quite icky. No matter, I jump up and get ready. It takes me about an hour to find the Western Union. Great! There, he tells me I need my passport to get money. Ok, I am lame: It started to cry. I could not beleive it. In the end, he was able to accept my ID and there I was with money, ready to go. So what do I do? Well, I walk to the bus station, as it is a reasonable place to catch a bus. Wrong! I needed to catch the Pienza bus at the train station which was another 30-40 minute walk. By then it was about 11:30 and I gave up. It was too late to head out and I felt like I was going to faint. I went to my room and slept for two hours, then made it out for some sight seeing around Siena. It was beautiful and it was good to be close to my hotel, as my ailment was just getting worse, despite the use of 3 medications. In reality, the meds were probably just making me feel worse.
I went to the basilica in Siena which is by far my favorite in Italy that I have seen. It is so unique and decorated. Unfortunately they are doing renovation to the front, so I could not take pics of it for you. I also visited the bapistry for the first time. Then I was off and, despite feeling icky, I climbed the tower in the center of town. It was beautiful up there. I had the luxury of being up there all by myself which was both peaceful, and conducive to taking a million self portraits before getting a good one. It would have been a little embarassing if people had been watching!
After the climb and a tour of the Civic Museum, it was time to rest, so I headed to bed. At some point I developed a tummy ache. I have decided that the best diet in Italy is the stomach flu, or some wonderful exotic mosquito disease. Luckily, I think it was the ibupfofen that was my prob. I forced myself to eat some pizza and salad and was right on track again. It also probably did not help that at lunch I could not read the handwritten menu, so I think I ordered something that wasn't made with beef, but some other meat I probably would not eat otherwise. I was too scared to ask.
And at last: checking out. Well, I guess my hearing is getting really bad because on the phone I thought that the room with no private bath was on 28 euro. That is why I chose two nights and NO PRIVATE BATHROOM! Well, with an Italian Accent, 28 sounds a lot like 48. As for the no private bath, i was a little worried. I like my privacy in the bath. I kept imagining that part in National Lampoon's Euro. Vacation when Ellen is in the bathtub of their non-private hotel bathroom in England. She has a wash cloth over her eys, so does not realize that the whistling man who just entered is not her hsband, but a big stranger. She talks very suggestively to him and finally takes her washcloth off as he is about ready to strip down and jump in with her. My experience was just fine. In fact, I wonder if anyone was even using my bathroom. Oh right, the fact that there was shit on the floor at one point means that there was. So maybe, it was a little wierd!
Now, I am not saying the trip was a total waste. I love Siena and it was a good place to be mellow in. I did have a gelato in the campo for you Kells. In my life of travelling, I have been so fortunate to never encounter a big problem. This weekend was my first and I am positive it ensures that the rest of my journey will be smooth sailing. The extended stay in Siena gave me a chance to take some great pics. As for my sickness, I am definitely sick. My friend gave me some decongestant which has turned me into a fountain of crud, and made me a little loopy. It is kind of fun! I think it is only natural to being prone to a cold when your body enters a new environment. Florence is gorgeous, but small with many people. It just is not the cleanest place ever, especially me living right by the river. But I love it and am glad to be back! I have learned a valuable lesson in the past few days: pack the night before and don't be stupid my remembering the hair dryer, but forgetting the important stuff.
I also wanted to let you know that my house is basically sandwiched between the Carabinieri (police) and the hospital. So, for those of you worried about my accident prone self (sister) I am very close to help!
I am sure there is a ton more I want to say, but am kind of out of it. I am off to my home for a rest and a nice long shower, then I am off to dinner with my friend Alex and his friends. I really look forward to being around people. being sick and alone can be sad when all you want is for your mommy to make you grilled cheese with tomato soup. That just doesn't happen here.
Love to you all!
Tanti Bacci!
Interior of the Basilica in Siena

The Tower in Siena's City Center

View From Tower Top

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