An Italian and Middle Eastern Inspired Life!

An Italian and Middle Eastern Inspired Life!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Night of the Living San Miniato

Mom and I have had a lot of time to ourselves, as Alex has been working during the days. The other day we decided to go on a walk to Piazzale Michelangelo. The weather was cloudy, but it did not rain all day, so we decided to take our chances and head up in the afternoon.

We enjoyed the good hike and an amazing view of the city. We were not tired and decided to trek up further to the church of San Miniato. I have written about this church in past entries, so I will not go into many details. I will tell you this, however. I have been so lucky to visit Florence many times and have seen most of the sights more than once. I had never seen San Miniato at sunset.

We got to the church and the sun was setting behind the clouds. It was still light enough outside, but the church was very dark and one of the Benedicitne Monks was praticing the organ. They do not have alot of lights in the church in order to presrve the artwork. It was the most eerie and beautiful feeling I have ever had. I felt like we were in the church in the late twelve hundreds when candles and sunlight were all they had to light their church. It was so amazing and the music was haunting.

We then decided to check out the cemetery behind San Miniato. It was gorgeous! All the tombstones and crypts were decorated so beautfifully, and the twinkle of little lights made it a sight to see at dusk. We walked for a while, a little too long. We realized it was quite dark and a little spookey to be there at that point. As we made our way back and rounded the corner to the huge door we had entered through, it was closed...... our hearts stopped.....I quickly began looking for an escape........ but, thank god it was unlocked and we slipped out.


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